Professional Experience

2021-Now Ark Move Dance studio (Italy)

2015-2020 Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company (Israel)

2014-2015 Rozbark Dance And Movement Theater Bytom (Poland)

2011-2013 Korea National Contemporary Dance Company (Republic of Korea)


2002-2006 Han-Sung University Part of Modern Dance (Republic of Korea)

1999-2002 Kyung-Buk High School of Arts (Republic of Korea)


2021 Jun ‘crosswalk’ by JinHwan Seok. Invited to the International Contemporary Dance Festival in Seoul “MODAFE”. (South Korea)

2019 May, ‘Bubble’ by JinHwan Seok. Invited to the International Contemporary dance festival in Canary Island “24MASDANZA”. (Spain)

2018 Jun, Rotterdam International Duet Choreography Competition (RIDCC) ‘Oda-Gada’ by JinHwan Seok. (Netherlands). Award 3rd prize winner

2017 Jun, Copenhagen International Choreography Competition (CICC) ‘Oda-Gada’ by JinHwan Seok. (Denmark). Award 2nd prize winner

2017 February, Kibbutz choreographic dance Festival ‘Auma’ by JinHwan Seok. (Israel)

2015 March, for participation in the choreographic Festival 3..2..1..Dance Krakow Choreographic Center ‘amalgama’ by Jin Hwan Seok. (Poland)
