Instrumental Summer Training Program
From July 14 to July 27, 2025
From July 14th to July 27th, 2025 Narnia Arts Academy and the City of Narni will offer the thirteenth season of the Narnia Festival and International Summer Training Program for instrumentalists, singers, composers, actors, and dancers in the beautiful city of Narni (Italy). From 2014 to 2024, Narnia Festival and Narnia Arts Academy have been awarded nine medals by the President of the Republic of Italy for outstanding programming.
This unique program in the heart of Umbria combines musical study and an immersion into the Italian culture.
The rich program of events includes lessons, workshops, masterclasses, conferences, exhibits, guided tours, concerts, and shows in the most prestigious halls and in the most suggestive archaeological sites of Narni and the region of Umbria.
Internationally acclaimed pianist and composer Cristiana Pegoraro is the Artistic Director of the Narnia Festival and International Summer Training Program (
The Narnia Festival and International Summer Training Program was founded in order to provide students with the tools needed to become professional artists. The staff includes highly qualified, internationally renowned teachers.
- PIANO – CRISTIANA PEGORARO (July 14 – July 27)
Languages: Italian, English, German, Spanish, PortugueseCristiana Pegoraro Italy
- Pianist, Composer, Artistic Director Narnia Festival
President Narnia Arts Academy
- Pianist, Composer, Artistic Director Narnia Festival
Languages: Italian, EnglishLorenzo Porzio Italy
- Conductor, Composer, Pianist, Music Director Narnia Festival
- Direttore stabile Orchestra Filarmonica Città di Roma
- PIANO – CRISTIANA PEGORARO (July 14 – July 27)
- CLASSICAL GUITAR – TALI ROTH (July 14 – July 27) ONLINE lessons
Languages: Italian, Portuguese
- CLASSICAL GUITAR – TALI ROTH (July 14 – July 27) ONLINE lessons
- VIOLIN – KHULLIP JEUNG (July 14 – July 20) ONLINE lessons
Languages: English, Korean - VIOLIN – JISUN KANG (July 14 – July 20) ONLINE lessons
Languages: English, Korean - VIOLIN – ZENEBA BOWERS (July 14 – July 20)
Languages: Italian, English - VIOLIN – PAOLO PIOMBONI (July 14 – July 27)
Languages: Italian, English - VIOLA & VIOLIN – JUNIOR CHAMBER MUSIC – ELEONORA BISACCIONI (July 14 – July 27)
Languages: Italian, English - VIOLA – CHAMBER MUSIC – SARA SIMONCINI (July 21 – July 27)
Languages: Italian, English - CELLO – CHAMBER MUSIC – BAROQUE ENSEMBLE – SARA BENNICI (July 14 – July 20)
lingue: italiano, inglese - CELLO – QUARTET – CHAMBER MUSIC – ALESSANDRA MONTANI (July 24 – July 28)
Languages: Italian, English - CELLO – CHAMBER MUSIC – EMILIA SLUGOCKA (July 21 – July 27)
Languages: Italian, English, Polish - CELLO – CELLO JAZZ & SWING – MATT WALKER (July 14 – July 27)
Languages: Italian, English - DOUBLE BASS – VINCENZO RITO LIPOSI (July 14 – July 27)
Languages: Italian, Englishwoops!
No team data found!
- VIOLIN – KHULLIP JEUNG (July 14 – July 20) ONLINE lessons
- FLUTE – CALOGERO GIALLANZA (July 21 – July 27)
Languages: Italian, English - OBOE and FLAUTO DOLCE – CHAMBER MUSIC – BAROQUE ENSEMBLE – LUDOVICA SCOPPOLA (July 14 – July 20)
lingue: italiano, inglese, - CLARINET – MARCO CORSALINI (July 14 – July 20)
Languages: Italian, English - SAX – PATRIZIO DESTRIERE (July 21 – July 27)
Languages: Italian, English
- FLUTE – CALOGERO GIALLANZA (July 21 – July 27)
Languages: Italian, English, French, SpanishGiovanni Hoffer Italy
- Orchestra del Teatro Comunale di Bologna, Conservatorio di Adria, Solista Jazz
Languages: Italian, English - FRENCH HORN / MASSIMILIANO PICCA (July 14 – July 20)
Languages: Italian, English, French - TRUMPET / BRASSES ENSEMBLE – FABRIZIO ANTONELLI (July 14 – July 27)
Languages: Italian, English, French
FLAMENCO – go to page Narnia Flamenco
Languages: Italian, Spanish, English
The program is open to students of all ages and nationalities.
Students can take part in the Festival as a participant or an auditor.
- private lessons
with highly qualified teachers from the most important international schools and universities. Four to six 45-minute/one-hour private lessons per week are guaranteed. Classes run usually from 10am to 1.00pm and from 3.00pm to 6.00pm, 6 days per week or at the teacher’s discretion.
Master classes, lectures, and workshops could take place at different timetables.
- private lessons
- chamber music classes
in various ensemble formats and participation in final concerts.
- chamber music classes
- orchestra classes (sacred music and symphonic repertoire)
Ample time will be dedicated to sacred and symphonic repertoire. Daily classes and participation in final concerts.
- orchestra classes (sacred music and symphonic repertoire)
- solfège, harmony, music history, and analysis
For those participants who are interested, the program offers the opportunity to deepen their musical knowledge with main courses of- Solfège and music theory
- Harmony
- Music history and analysis
also geared to exams in conservatories and academies.
The lessons will be held by Maestro Lorenzo Porzio, teacher of music, chorus and orchestra at Convitto Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele II in Rome, a famed institute twined with Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia.
Single and group lessons can be scheduled individually and will not conflict with the schedule of the main instrumental lessons and orchestral rehearsals.
The price may vary according to the number of lessons and hours requested by the student. The lessons will be held in Italian. For information, please contact Narnia Arts Academy
- solfège, harmony, music history, and analysis
- concerts
The Narnia Arts Academy offers all students the chance to participate in the Narnia Festival with evening concerts and shows held in prestigious venues in Narni and Umbria. In addition, students will have many chances to try out their improved skills in daily student concerts held at 6.00pm in the Churches of Santa Maria Impensole (1.100 a.C.) and San Francesco (1.200 a.C.), and at the City Hall. Those preparing for international competitions are given priority and will be offered a special solo recital. Every student will be allowed to perform.
- concerts
- guided tours
Weekly excursions will connect the students to the vast culture and history of Italy, offering them the same inspiration and inner enrichment that for centuries have influenced the greatest artists.
- guided tours
- practice pianos
Practice pianos will be available for 2-3 hours daily at the additional cost of 80 euros per week.
- practice pianos
- certificate of attendance
At the end of the course, all participants will receive a certificate of attendance.
- certificate of attendance
- chaperone service for unaccompanied kids and teens
Minimum number: 10 participants.
We have chaperones at the campus. You can leave your kid with us for the whole duration of the course. A group will be formed. The group will lodge at the hostel or at a designated hotel. A chaperone will accompany the group to all daily activities, to lunch and dinner, and will sleep at the hostel with the kids.
Example of activities with the chaperon:
The chaperone will meet the children for breakfast at the hostel or designated hotel and will take them to their classrooms for the lessons.
Children will stay with their teacher until 1.00pm (lesson or practice time).
At 1.00pm the chaperone will take the children to lunch.
At.3.30pm the chaperone will take the children to orchestra classes.
At 5.30pm the chaperone will take the children to the afternoon concerts or free time.
At 7.30pm the chaperone will take the children to dinner.
At.9.30pm the chaperone will take the children to the evening concerts in Narni or to free time.
Afterward, the chaperone will take the children to the hostel or designated hotel for the night.
The distance from the hostel to the main square in Narni is about 5-minute walk. The designated hotel is located on the main square.
Please contact us for further information. The chaperone service has an additional cost of 80 euros per week.
- chaperone service for unaccompanied kids and teens
The Narnia Festival and International Summer Training Program take place in magnificent historical buildings, including a classical Italian-style opera house, the S. Domenico Auditorium, the University of Narni, the City Museum in Eroli Palace, several ancient churches, and numerous practice and teaching studios provided with wireless internet connection.
All payments must be submitted in Euros.
- A non-refundable application fee of € 170 is due by June 20th, 2025. This fee will be refunded only if a course will not be activated due to an insufficient number of students.
A tuition fee of – see below for each course – is due by July 1st, 2025.
Application fee payments will be accepted until July 14, 2025, or by your arrival in Narni, assuming spots are still available.
It is possible to participate in a single course as an auditor paying an application fee of € 170 and a tuition fee of € 80 per week.
One can enroll in the International Campus as an auditor by paying a flat rate of € 300. This fee will allow to listen to every lesson of every course for a two-week period.
All fees do not include room and board.
Although some programs run for two weeks, it is possible to participate for one week only.
The program guarantees four to six private lessons per week.
It is possible to participate in the chamber music program (price below).
Practice pianos and keyboards are available for 2-3 hours daily for € 80 per week (please request at the time of application).
- PIANO – Cristiana Pegoraro (July 14 – July 27): € 240 one week, € 480 two weeks
- PIANO, COMPOSITION, CHAMBER MUSIC, WORKSHOP OF MUSIC HISTORY, HARMONY, ANALYSIS OF MUSICAL CONTENTS and STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS, SOLFEGE – Lorenzo Porzio (July 14 – July 27): € 240 one week each subject, € 480 two weeks each subject
- CLASSICAL GUITAR – Tali Roth (July 14 – July 27 ONLINE): € 240 one week, € 480 two weeks
- CLASSICAL GUITAR, BRASILIAN GUITAR, CHORO & BOSSA NOVA – Gianluca Persichetti (July 21 – July 27): € 240
- VIOLIN – Khullip Jeung (July 14 – July 20 ONLINE): € 240
- VIOLIN – Jisun Kang (July 14 – July 20 ONLINE): € 240
- VIOLIN – Paolo Piomboni (July 14 – July 27): € 240 one week, € 480 two weeks
- VIOLA and VIOLIN – Eleonora Bisaccioni (July 21 – July 27): € 240 one week, € 480 two weeks
- VIOLA – Sara Simoncini (July 21 – July 27): € 240
- CELLO – Emilia Slugocka (July 21 – July 27): € 240
- CELLO – Alessandra Montani (July 21 – July 27): € 240
- CELLO – Sara Bennici (July 14 – July 20): € 240 one week
- DOUBLE BASS Vincenzo Rito Liposi (July 14 – July 27): € 240 one week, € 480 two weeks
- FLUTE – Calogero Giallanza (July 21 – July 27): € 240
- OBOE and RECORDER – Ludovica Scoppola (July 21 – July 27): € 240
- CLARINET – Marco Corsalini (July 14 – July 20): € 240
- SAX – Patrizio Destriere (July 21 – July 27): € 240
- FRENCH HORN – Giovanni Hoffer e Giovanni Emanuele Urso (July 18 – July 24): € 240
- FRENCH HORN – Massimiliano Picca (July 14 – July 27): € 240
- TRUMPET – Fabrizio Antonelli (July 14 – July 27): € 240 one week, € 480 two weeks
- BAILE FLAMENCO – Caterina Lucia Costa (July 18 – July 20): € 150 (application fee included)
CHAMBER MUSIC with Alessandra Montani, Emilia Slugocka: € 80 per participant, minimum 3 participants (one hour daily lessons)
CHAMBER MUSIC JUNIOR con Eleonora Bisaccioni: € 80 per week per participant, minimum 3 participants (one hour daily lessons)
QUARTET with Alessandra Montani: € 60 per participant, only for quartets which are already formed as a group (one hour daily lessons)
ENSEMBLE FOR BRASSES with Fabrizio Antonelli: € 80 per week per participant, minimum 3 participants (one hour daily lessons)
ORCHESTRA with Lorenzo Porzio: € 90 per week (two hours daily lessons)
Tuition fee includes:
- Lessons, coaching, master-classes, lectures, and participation in live performances
- Accompanists (for very demanding pieces, we require the extra payment of € 40 per hour for the pianist)
- Use of practicing and performance facilities
- Diploma of participation
- Entrance to all Narnia Festival events
Airfare is not included.
Opportunities for the students
Students who – according to the evaluation of the respective instructor and of the Artistic Director of the Narnia Arts Academy – excel particularly during the Courses will have the opportunity of being introduced to the attention of several concert institutions in Italy and, where possible, the possibility of being included in their respective programs, as well as being inserted in the concert seasons of the Narnia Arts Academy.
Deadline: June 20, 2025
Applications will be accepted until July 14, if spots are still available.
The following material should be sent to the Artistic Director Cristiana Pegoraro
- Application form Click here to download the application form
- Photocopy of an ID
- Parent’s authorization if the student is a minor Download the Parent’s Authorization Form
- Short resumé
- Repertoire student wishes to study at the Narnia Festival
- A short video not to exceed 1 minute to be sent via WhatsApp at +39 335 433784 or a link of a short video to be sent via e-mail at (not necessary if the applicant is already a student of one of our faculty members)
- Application fee of € 170. Please attach a copy of the bank transfer receipt.
- Account Number: 2000 405
- Iban: IT32 B062 2014 4060 0000 2000 405
- Swift (BIC): BPBAITR1
- Branch Address: Via Turati 25, 05100 Terni, Italy
- Bank Head Office: Piazza della Repubblica 21, 05018 Orvieto, Italy
- Applicants are responsible for all bank transfer fees.
Lodging & Meals
Narnia Arts Academy arranged special conventions with local restaurants and hotels.
Meals Conventions
Students can take advantage of a special agreement on meal pricing arranged by Narnia Arts Academy with the restaurants
- La Taverna dell’Aquila Nera
- Ristorante Il Fondaco
- Ristorante Mamarama
- Ristorante Gattamelata
- Pub Arcomincio
Lunch/dinner coupons available at a special price of €10, €14, €18, €22, €30 each can be purchased exclusively at the Narnia Arts Academy office (cash only).
- Pre Fix Menu (€10 exclusively at La Taverna dell’Aquila Nera) includes:
- First course
- Second course with vegetable
- Bread
- Water
- One Course Meal (€14 / €18 exclusively at Fondaco, Gattamelata, Mamarama and Pub Arcomincio) includes:
- Choice of first course or second course with vegetables
- Coffee
- Water
- Two Course Meal (€18, €22, €30 exclusively at Fondaco, Gattamelata and Mamarama) includes:
- Choice of two first courses
- Choice of two second courses with vegetables
- Choice of fruit, dessert or coffee
- Water
Those who do not want to take advantage of this special meal package can handle the food on their own.
Lodging Conventions
NARNIA ARTS ACADEMY has a special and exclusive agreement with the following lodging facilities.
- Hotel La Loggia dei Priori
- Asso Residence
- Domus Narnia Ostello
- Residence Palazzo Barilatti – rooms and apartments
The Hotel La Loggia dei Priori, the Residences Le Stanze del Giglio and Palazzo Barilatti and the Domus Narnia Hostel are very close to the campus venues.
Upon request, accommodation can be arranged in apartments for rent and B&Bs in the historical center of Narni. Accommodation can also be arranged in apartments and B&Bs with swimming pool located outside the center of town, ideal for families with cars). Please specify this request on the application form. For info, please contact Narnia Arts Academy.
Those who do not want to take advantage of our special offers can handle meals and hotel accommodation independently.
In order to book your lodging facility it is necessary to check the related boxes on the
The rooms (and any requests for sharing) will be assigned taking into account the dates of your reservation.
Students are recommended to book as soon as possible to ensure getting accommodations near the location of the courses.
Accommodations must be paid upon arrival at the Narnia Arts Academy Offices, located in the theater. Credit Cards are not accepted.
The tourist tax may vary according to the lodging facility and the services offered.
The tourist tax should be paid directly at the lodging facility.
IMPORTANT INFO: the Narnia Festival final concert featuring all students and teachers will take place on Sunday, July 28th, at 9.00pm. If you choose not to keep the room for the night of July 28th, the check out is required by 12noon on July 28th.
Via Gattamelata 74 – Narni
- Spacious and comfortable rooms with four/six/eight beds with private bathroom, inside or outside the room: €33 per person
The price is per night and includes breakfast.
Also included, free of charge: use of the large common room, the library, a large garden, parking area, television, a large panoramic terrace, bed linens, towels and daily cleaning service.
Vicolo del Comune, 4 – Narni
3 Star Hotel, situated in the main square of Narni’s old town centre, made out of a 15th century building renovated by means of an excellent blending of old and modern decoration. The Hotel has 17 rooms and 2 suites, all equipped with facilities such as color TV, FM radio, bar fridge and with every comfort offered by the 3 star category. Change of linens two/three times per week, cleaning service every other day. Free Internet point. Buffet breakfast included.
- room typeprice per person
- singola €75
- doppia €52
- tripla €43
Via del Campanile, 4 – Narni
Situati nel centro storico di Narni, gli appartamenti “ Le Stanze del Giglio “ nascono da un’elegante ristrutturazione di un palazzo storico del secolo XVI. L’ingresso, dalla caratteristica via del Campanile, dà accesso agli affascinanti ambienti ricavati nei cortiletti interni d’impianto tardo medioevale.
L’immobile è accessibile anche ai disabili, poiché dotato di tutti gli ausili per il superamento delle barriere architettoniche. Un’opportunità di rilievo riguarda la possibilità di poter utilizzare le zone comuni a tutto il complesso dell’albergo: terrazzo, sala lettura con camino, salone dedicato ai pranzi e alle serate conviviali e alla degustazione dei prodotti tipici umbri, nella migliore tradizione dell’agriturismo umbro.
Gli appartamenti (composti di soggiorno – angolo cottura – camera – bagno) sono dotati di minifrigo, riscaldamento, aria condizionata autonoma, televisore e internet wireless gratuito. Colazione NON inclusa. Servizio di pulizia totale settimanale. Ritiro giornaliero della spazzatura da differenziare. Biancheria da bagno con cambio ogni 3 giorni. Pulizia del bagno e veloce riassetto ogni 3 giorni. Biancheria da letto con cambio settimanale.
Dotazione: 1 letto matrimoniale, possibilità di aggiungere 1 letto singolo in soggiorno
Uso singola: €80
Uso doppia: €65 a persona - CAMERA 4
Dotazione: 1 matrimoniale soppalco + 1 matrimoniale soggiorno
Uso singola: €90
Uso doppia: €55 a persona
Uso tripla: €50 a persona
Uso quadrupla: €45 a persona - CAMERA 6
Dotazione: 2 letti singoli
Uso singola: €80
Uso doppia: €50 a persona - CAMERA 8
Dotazione: 1 letto alla francese
Uso singola: €80
Uso doppia: €55 a persona
Uso tripla: €50 a persona
Uso quadrupla: €45 a persona - CAMERA 9
Dotazione: 1 matrimoniale + letto singolo soggiorno
Uso singola: €90 a persona
Uso doppia: €55 a persona
Uso tripla: €50 a persona
Uso quadrupla: €45 a persona
Piazza Galeotto Marzio – Narni
Right in the medieval center of Narni (just steps away from the area where the courses will be held) is Palazzo Barilatti, a completely renovated period building. All the apartments have private bathrooms, a kitchenette, LCD TV, air conditioning, and free 24-hour Internet. The large, bright rooms are airy and comfortable, thanks to functional and cozy furnishings. Cleaning service is twice weekly, with a change of bed linens. Breakfast is not included. The price is per room/apartment and must be paid per room/apartment, regardless of the number of occupants.
- rooms/apartments price per apartment/per person
- room ‘deluxe’ with queen size bed, private bathroom, air conditioning €90.00 per night (€45.00 per person)
- Apartament ‘deluxe’ for 4 people (one room with a queen-size bed and two twin beds in the loft), ceiling fan, kitchen, private bathroom, living room €180 per night (€45.00 per person)
- Apartament ‘deluxe’ for 3 people (3 twin-size beds), ceiling fan, kitchen, private bathroom, living room €135 per night (€45.00 per person)
- Apartament ‘deluxe’ for 2 people (one queen-size bed), ceiling fan, kitchen, private bathroom, living room €90 per night (€45.00 per person)
- Apartament ‘deluxe’ for 9 people (one room with a queen size bed and 7 twin size beds in the loft), a/c, kitchen, 2 private bathrooms, living room, €405 per night (€45.00 per person)
- Apartament ‘deluxe’ on two floors for 4 people (one queen-size bed and one queen-size sofa bed), a/c in the lower floor, kitchen, 2 private bathrooms, living room €180 per night (€45.00 per person)
S.P. Maratta Bassa, 61 – Narni
Situated on the outskirts of the mediaeval Umbrian town of Narni and set amongst 15 acres of parkland and surrounded by wooded hills, close to the imposing Rocca Albornoz Castle, this historical complex enjoys spectacular views over the surrounding countryside.
The entrance opens on a facade decorated with Moorish-style ornaments, where the lobby with the reception desk and the bar welcome the guests. A massive wooden staircase leads to the first floor housing the hotel rooms. Each one of the rooms differs from the others in its colors, antique furnishings and fine upholsteries. Air-conditioning, plasma screens TV, mini-bar and safe are available in all rooms. Breakfast is included and is served in the “Preziosa” room that opens to the enchanting Cloister with its ancient dwell and the flower-filled alley leading to the terraces and gardens. The garden with its alleys as well as the whole park are at the complete disposal of those who like walking in the nature in absolute peace and quiet.
- room typeprice per person
- singola €99
- doppia usa singola €109
- doppia standard €75
- doppia economy €68
- tripla €63
- suite tripla €70
- quadrupla €53
- suite quadrupla €60
Distance from Narni main square: 9 km.
The Narnia Festival and International Summer Training Program will offer several tours in Narni and surroundings with private guide.
Historic downtown:
- Undergrounds of San Domenico (XII century) and Auditorium,
- Undergrounds and Church of Santa Maria Impensole (built in 1175), Eroli Museum.
City Tour:
- Churches: Cathedral (XIII century), Santa Margherita (XVII century),
Santa Restituta (IV-V century), Sant’Agostino (XIV century),
- Churches: Cathedral (XIII century), Santa Margherita (XVII century),
- Theater (built in 1856)
- Palazzo dei Priori (built in 1275)
- Main Squares
- Albornoz Fortress (built in 1370)
- Ponte d’Augusto (27 B.C.)
- Rome (full day by private bus)
During the Narnia Festival, Narnia Arts Academy will organize dinners, entertainment and open air concerts in beautiful places.
Reach Narni
- Programs July 14 – July 20: Participants are suggested to arrive on July 13
(lessons will start on July 14 in the morning) and leave on July 21 in the morning - Programs July 21 – July 27: Participants are suggested to arrive on July 20 in the evening or July 21 in the morning
(lessons will start on July 21 in the morning) and leave on July 28 in the morning - Programs July 14 – July 27: Participants are suggested to arrive on July 13
(lessons will start on July 14 in the morning) and leave on July 28 in the morning
The final concert of the Narnia Festival will take place on July 27 at 9.00 pm. All students will participate. Therefore, it is recommended to leave Narni on July 28.
How to reach Narni by plane
The nearest airport is Rome Fiumicino (FCO).
How to reach Narni by train
The nearest train station is Narni – Amelia and is connected with Roma Termini or Roma Tiburtina train station by hourly trains.
Check the train schedule on
There is a bus running from the Narni – Amelia train station to the main square in Narni very close to all lodging facilities.
How to reach Narni by car
- Take Highway A1 toward Florence
- Take the exit toward SS3
- Keep left at the fork, follow signs for Otricoli/Calvi dell’Umbria/Terni
- Turn left onto SS3
- Turn right onto Via Flaminia Romana/SS3
- Continue to follow SS3
- Turn right onto Strada Narni-Sant’Urbano/SP20
- Turn right onto Strada Narni-Sant’Urbano.
- Take Highway A1 toward Rome
- Take exit Orte toward Via Terni/E45/SS204
- Keep right at the fork, follow signs for Perugia/Terni/Narni/Flaminia/Fano/E45/Cesena/Amelia and merge onto Via Terni/E45/SS204
- Take the ramp onto SS675
- Take exit Narni to merge onto SS204
- Continue onto Via Tiberina/SS3ter
- Slight right onto Strada dei Tre Ponti/SP1
- Turn right onto Via Flaminia Ternana/SS3
- Turn right to stay on Via Flaminia Ternana/SS3
- Sharp left onto Strada Narni- Sant’Urbano/SP20
- Turn right onto Strada Narni-Sant’Urbano.
Average temperatures in July
72F – 78F (22C – 25C)
Historical information
Narni – Geographic center of Italy, situated in the province of Terni, in the region of Umbria.
It’s a typical Umbrian town, built on a hill 790 feet above sea level with 20.570 inhabitants and strong medieval traces. The town has outstanding views over the river Nera valley and the wide plane of Terni. Narni offers artistic, archaeological and religious itineraries, plus an abundance of natural history for the tourist. The town’s theater dates back to 1800.
It is surrounded by cultural gems, including the renowned cities of Perugia, Assisi, Todi, Spoleto.
Narni is situated 62 miles from Rome and 46 miles from Perugia.
Although Neolithic people lived in this region, the first historical document mentioning the town is dated 600 B.C.
Narni was a Roman colony under the name of Narnia, a name that comes from the Nar River, which today is called the Nera.
- In 233 B.C., with the construction of the via Flaminia from Rome to Rimini on the Adriatic coast, Narni became of major importance and it was heavily fortified because the road passed through the town.
- In 90 B.C., Narnia became a municipally (semi-independent) town within the Roman Empire.
The first Christian Bishop of Narni, Giovenale from Cartage, was chosen in 368 A.D. and later was consecrated as Patron Saint of the town.
Narni’s strategic position, standing as it does above the deep gorge of the river Nera, has made it a target of many invading and barbarian forces. - In the 11th century, it established its power as a free “Comune” (autonomous town).
- Between the 12th and the 14th century, it reached its greatest splendor.
- In 1371, the Pope Reformed the Statutes of the city and Narni became part of the Papal State.
Narni developed a school of painting and goldsmithing. Many artists of the renaissance period produced work for clients and patrons in Narni: Rosellino, Ghirlandaio, Gozzoli, Vecchietta, Antoniazzo, Romano, and Spagna. - On the 17th of July 1527, the Lanzichenecchi (northern mercenaries) stopped on their way back from the sacking of Rome and destroyed Narni.
- Slowly the walls, buildings, and churches were rebuilt and by the end of the century, Narni had been re-established.
After the rebuilding, many important artists returned to Narni, including Vignola and Zuccari. Also Sangallo and Scalza, who took part in the reconstruction of the town. - In 1664 the town library was founded. Many famous people were born in Narni, including the emperor M.C. Nerva, Gattamelata, the Beata Lucia, Bernardo Eroli, Galeotto Marzio and S. Cassio.
Terms and Conditions
- Narnia Festival and International Summer Training Program is open to all Italian and foreign artists with no age limit. For underage students, parents will need to sign the parent’s authorization exempting the organization from any liability with respect to the child.
- Students enrolled in any of the courses of the International Summer Training Program can participate in the Narnia Culture&Leisure Program and in the Italian Language and Culture Courses getting a 20% discount.
- Students enrolled in the Campus for piano will have the use of a student instrument for 2-3 hours daily for 50 euros per week.
- Students (except pianists) will have to bring their own music stand.
- All students enrolled in the Campus will perform concerts for the Festival provided they are dressed appropriately.
- The courses will be active with a minimum of 6 students up to a maximum determined by each teacher, except in special cases decided by the management.
- The management reserves the right to cancel one or more courses at its own discretion. In this case, the students will be warned immediately and will be refunded the registration and participation fees.
- If a course is canceled due to a teacher’s serious problem, participants will be refunded the registration and participation fee, less bank transfer expenses.
- Those enrolled who are unable to attend the course will be entitled to a refund of only the participation fee as long as they give notice at least 60 days before the beginning of the course. The management, however, will retain 15% for processing fees.
- The application fee is non-refundable. This fee will be refunded if a course will not be activated due to an insufficient number of students.
- It is forbidden to take or give private lessons within the Campus. If requested, Narnia Arts Academy will organize private lessons between the student and the teacher. Payments for private lessons will have to be done in cash to the Academy and not directly to the teacher.
- Management does not assume any risk or damage arising from the activities of the participants in the courses.
- At the end of the program, Narnia Arts Academy participants will receive a certificate of attendance. It is necessary to pick up the certificate before leaving Narni. Certificates will NOT be sent after the end of the programs.
- Among those who will perform for the Narnia Festival, the Board, at its sole discretion, may choose one or more particularly deserving artists who will be invited to perform in Narni, within the general framework of future programming.
- The organization is not responsible for any damage to persons and property which may occur during the period of the Campus. Participants are responsible for any damage to persons and property they may cause during the period of the Campus.
- Application to the Campus requires the unconditional acceptance of this regulation and the release to Narnia Arts Academy/Narnia Festival for use of photos and filming of lectures, concerts, and any other event related to the activity of the course, without any rights resulting from this use by the course participants. Please check the box on the application form.