San Valentino Global Music Awards

Cristiana Pegoraro
San Valentino Global Music Awards

Carnegie Hall, New York – November 14th, 2024


Win the premiere performance of your composition at CARNEGIE HALL, the world’s most prestigious venue!

Professional Video Recording

Application deadline: October 30th, 2024


neo-romantic, evocative music theme, film score, no contemporary music!
The piece must evoke a LOVE STORY




max six minutes

Requested material

Piano score plus an audio MP3 with a music demo recorded with digital sounds
The piece can be published or unpublished.

The winning composition will be performed at the Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall in New York on November 14th, 2024 by internationally acclaimed concert artist Cristiana Pegoraro (piano)

Application fee: 80 euros for each composition. It is possible to apply with more than one piece

Deadline: October 30th, 2024

The following material must be sent to the Artistic Director of Narnia Festival, Cristiana Pegoraro, via email The material must be received by October 30th, 2024.

  • – Copy of ID
  • – Parent’s Authorization, only if the participant is a minor
  • – Short bio
  • – Material PDF + MP3 (piano score plus an audio MP3 with a music demo recorded with digital sounds)
  • – Application fee € 80 for each piece submitted. Please send a copy of the bank transaction receipt. Subject: Application for competition + first and last name of the participant
  • Beneficiary: NARNIA ARTS ACADEMY
  • Account Number: 2000 405
  • Iban: IT32 B062 2014 4060 0000 2000 405
  • Swift (BIC): BPBAITR1
  • Branch Address: Via Turati 25, 05100 Terni, Italy
  • Bank Head Office: Piazza della Repubblica 21, 05018 Orvieto, Italy
  • Applicants are responsible for all bank transfer fees.

The winner will be notified by email by November 5th, 2024

The complete results will be published on this webpage by November 5th, 2024.


    • Cristiana Pegoraro Italy

      • Pianist, Composer, Artistic Director Narnia Festival
        President Narnia Arts Academy

      Cristiana Pegoraro

      Hailed by The New York Times as “an artist of the highest caliber,” Italian-born pianist Cristiana Pegoraro has performed on the world’s most prestigious stages, including Lincoln Center, Carnegie Hall, the United Nations (New York), the Sydney Opera House, Festspielhaus (Salzburg), Musikverein (Vienna), Royal College of Music (London), Auditorium Parco della Musica (Rome), Amici del Loggione del Teatro alla Scala (Milan), Theatro Municipal (São Paulo), Theatro Municipal (Rio de Janeiro), the Opera House (Manaus), and at music festivals including the Budapest Spring Festival, Umbria Jazz, Umbria Jazz Winter, Sorrento Jazz Festival (Italy), Saint Petersburg Festival (Russia), Edinburgh Festival, Klavierfestival Ruhr (Germany), Shabyt Festival Astana (Kazakhstan), the Aichi World Expo (Japan), and the Zaragoza World Expo (Spain), among others.

      Ms. Pegoraro has appeared as a soloist with acclaimed orchestras and ensembles such as Salzburger Kammervirtuosen, Hannover Kammerorkester, Boston Youth Symphony Orchestra, Garland (Texas) Symphony Orchestra, Symphony Arlington (Texas), Las Colinas Symphony Orchestra (Texas), COS Youth Symphonic Ensemble (USA), MAV Symphony Orchestra (Hungary), Darzhava Philarmonia Shumen (Bulgaria), National Orchestra of Georgia (Tbilisi), Orquesta Filarmonica de Bogota (Colombia), Orquesta Sinfonica de Cuyo, Orquesta Sinfonica de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Orquesta Sinfonica Pro Lirica (Peru), Kazakhstan Chamber Orchestra, State Chamber Orchestra of the Music Academy of Astana (Kazakhstan), and Philharmonic Orchestra of Oradea (Romania).

      In Italy, she has performed with Orchestra Verdi di Milano, I Musici di Parma, Istituzione Sinfonica di Roma, Orchestra da Camera dell’Umbria, Orchestra Filarmonica Città di Roma, Orchestra Filarmonica di Civitavecchia, Orchestra Filarmonica di Roma, Orchestra Filarmonica Umbra, Orchestra Filarmonica Veneta, Orchestra del Narnia Festival, Ensemble Estro Tanguero, Orchestra Sinfonica Accademia Musicale Pescarese, La Camerata Ducale di Parma, Orchestra Sinfonica Carlo Coccia di Novara, Chamber Ensemble of Rome, and Orchestra L’Armonica Temperanza.

      She has collaborated as a soloist with the Banda Centrale della Marina Militare and with the Banda dell’Arma dei Carabinieri, with whom she performed before an audience of 3,000 at the Auditorium Parco della Musica of Rome. Her 2003 New York City concert with the Banda Centrale della Marina Militare, as part of the celebration of Columbus Day, took place in the presence of the city’s mayor Michael Bloomberg aboard the battleship-museum USS Intrepid.

      Cristiana Pegoraro is the first Italian female pianist to perform all 32 Piano Sonatas by Ludwig van Beethoven, and among few pianists in the world to have performed all five Beethoven Piano Concertos in a single day. During her tours of the Persian Gulf countries, she became the first female pianist of any country to perform concerts of classical music in Bahrain, Yemen, and Oman.

      Over the years, she has appeared before many of the world’s highest dignitaries, including the President of Italy, Sergio Mattarella, the President of Italy, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, the President of the General Assembly of the United Nations, the Governor of New York State, the Mayor of New York City, Her Royal Highness the Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg, the Italian Minister of Economic Development, and the President of the Austrian Senate.

      In 2008, she was the only European representative at the Spring Festival at the United Nations in New York, and performed in the hall of the General Assembly in front of ambassadors and dignitaries from 192 countries.

      In collaboration with Italian Embassies and Italian Cultural Institutes, she is regularly invited by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to represent Italy and to promote Italian music worldwide.

      Her piano artistry can be heard on 28 CDs released by Decision Products, Nuova Era, Dynamic, Diva Productions, Eden Editori, Da Vinci Publishing and Promu.

      Pegoraro’s “Astor Piazzolla Tangos”, released in 2016, won the gold medal at California’s prestigious Global Music Awards. The pianist’s two most recent recordings comprise a CD entitled “Gioacchino Rossini Overtures – Piano Transcriptions,” featuring her newly-written transcriptions of the composer’s most famous overtures, and a second CD, “Fantasia Italiana, ” with more new transcriptions, for piano and string orchestra, of Antonio Vivaldi’s “The Four Seasons.”

      As a composer, she has released six highly acclaimed albums of her own original compositions (“A Musical Journey”, “Ithaka”, “La mia Umbria”, “Volo di note” and “Piano di volo” and “Colors of Love”) and has had various compositions used in films and documentaries. Ms. Pegoraro composed the soundtrack to the video “For Whom the Sirens Toll” produced by the United Nations Office of the Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict and presented at the United Nations on September 11, 2004, in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack. She wrote the soundtrack for the documentary “La casa dell’orologio” (“The House of the Clock”) by Italian director Gianni Torres.

      On March 22, 2021, her video clip “RAIN,” with original music, debuted on the occasion of the United Nations’ “World Water Day.” The video was made under the auspices of the UN and was entered in the UN’s official Gallery.

      Cristiana is the author of a book of poems called “Ithaka” and a series of children’s books based on Italian operas. Her poems are published in the book “Poeti Umbri Contemporanei” by Il Formichiere and in the 2020 edition of “Il Corniolano,” released on World Poetry Day, declared by UNESCO.

      At present, she has received over 40 international awards. They include:
      – The World Peace Award from the Circolo Culturale Italiano of the United Nations “for her effort in advancing peace in the world.”
      – The Mela d’Oro Premio Bellisario by Fondazione Marisa Bellisario with a live ceremony on RAI1 broadcast worldwide, and a private visit with the President of the Republic of Italy, Sergio Mattarella.
      – The Melvin Jones Fellow Award “for dedicated humanitarian services” from the Lions Clubs International Foundation.
      – The Premio Simpatia, awarded by the Mayor of Rome to performing artists, authors, ambassadors and sports figures who exemplify a commitment to Italy, and conceived in recognition “of individuals who enrich and exalt the essential values of life through their work.” Past recipients have included film directors Federico Fellini and Franco Zeffirelli, actress Sophia Loren, and Mother Theresa.
      – The 2010 ILICA Woman of the Year Award by the Italian Language Intercultural Alliance in New York.

      Cristiana supports various international organizations such as UNICEF (for which she is a spokesperson), Amnesty International, World Food Programme, Emergency, Lions Clubs International, and Rotary International in their humanitarian efforts.

      She has been a featured artist on radio and television, on WQXR New York, RAI, Mediaset, Radio Vaticana, Discoteca di Stato (Italy), BBC (Scotland), ARD (Germany), RTP (Portugal), Nine Network (Australia), and CBC (Japan). She has been a guest on the Italian TV shows “Porta a Porta” with Bruno Vespa (RAI 1), “Sottovoce” with Gigi Marzullo (RAI 1), and “Vivere Meglio” with Fabrizio Trecca (Rete 4). Concerts of hers have been broadcast on RAI 5.

      Ms. Pegoraro created, produced, and directed, for Oltretutto Radio (Italy), the show entitled “The Magic of the Piano,” with biographies of the great composers and her performances at the piano.

      Cristiana regularly presents master classes at The Juilliard School in New York City and in much of the USA, Canada, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia as well as outreach and music appreciation programs, with the goal of spreading the love for and the interest in classical music.

      In addition to her concertizing and teaching activities, she is also involved in arts and organizational management and production, working with important institutions and for music events at both national and international levels.

      From 2011, she is the Founder and President of Narnia Arts Academy ( and Artistic Director of Narnia Festival (, a non-profit organization whose goal is to promote the arts and the cultural, architectural and historical heritage of Italy through a vast array of initiatives. Both the Academy and the Festival are eight-time recipients of the “Medal of the President of the Italian Republic” for their outstanding programming.

      She is a spokesperson for her native region of Umbria’s tourism campaign throughout the world and Ambassador of San Valentino to the world.

      Ms. Pegoraro graduated with the highest honors from the Conservatory of Terni, Italy, at the age of sixteen. She continued piano studies with Jörg Demus in Vienna and with Hans Leygraf at both the Mozarteum in Salzburg and the Hochschule der Künste in Berlin. Later, Cristiana was a student of Nina Svetlanova at the Manhattan School of Music in New York City.

      For more information, visit

      More information on


    • Lorenzo Porzio Italy

      • Conductor, Composer, Pianist, Music Director Narnia Festival
      • Direttore stabile Orchestra Filarmonica Città di Roma

      Lorenzo Porzio

      At the age of seven he began studying the piano and at eleven he began studying the organ under the organist and composer Lorenzo Ronci. He concluded his studies at Santa Cecilia with Maestro Federico del Sorto. Since 1996 he has been the principal organist at the Basilica del Sacro Cuore Immacolato di Maria ai Parioli (Rome).

      From 1997 – 2011 he continued to perfect his piano studies under Biagio Andriulli, Andrea Sammartino, Giovanni Scaramuzza and Gino Nappo at the Santa Cecilia Conservatory in Rome. He has performed as soloist and has accompanied polyphonic choirs in some of the most prestigious cathedrals and venues in Italy. He has worked with many important singers from the Santa Cecilia Academy and Teatro dell’Opera, the Coro Accademico Romano and the Coro Polifonico S. Martino, among others. In 2003 he held concerts in the Vatican (Sala Raffaello), in the Chiesa del Governatorato and in the Vatican Gardens for the re-opening of the Casina di Pio IV.

      He studied composition with Marco Persichetti, graduating with the highest grades from the Conservatorio di Santa Cecilia in Rome under Francesco Telli.

      He began his career as Orchestra Conductor studying with Francesco Carotenuto and Marco Boemi, and participating in Piero Bellugi’s Masterclasses. Since 2004 he has written and performed music on the piano and organ for shows, documentaries and short TV movies on RAI 1, RAI 3, RAI International, Sky Sport, Roma Uno, and others. In November 2005, Radio Uno Rai broadcasted his “Rapsodia Orientale (Pensando a Pechino)” composed and played by him. In May 2006 he debuted as composer at the Auditorium Parco della Musica in Rome (Sala Petrassi) during an event hosted by Pippo Baudo “Com’è Straordinaria la Vita”, and held a chamber music concert in the Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano for the 400th anniversary of the opening of the Vatican Museums. During the Christmas festivities in 2006, he played the organ during the Mass in St. Peter’s Cathedral. In September 2009 and in December 2011, he was again organist at St. Peter’s for the celebration of Masses by Cardinal Comastri.

      From 2009 to 2010 he was First Assistant Conductor of the elite orchestra of the Conservatorio di Santa Cecilia in Rome. In 2010 he debuted as Conductor of the Orchestra Tiberina, conducting the orchestra again in 2011 for a concert at the Cathedral of the Santissimi Apostoli (Rome). Since 2010 he has been collaborating with the Accademia Santa Cecilia as pianist and conductor. Since 2011 he has been Principal Conductor of the Philharmonic Orchestra “L’Armonica Temperanza”, with which he tours on a regular basis. With “L’Armonica Temperanza” he was invited to perform in the most prestigious halls and churches of Rome (Sala della Protomoteca del Campidoglio, Sala del Coro della Cappella Sistina, Biblioteca del Senato, Biblioteca Nazionale, Basilica di Santa Francesca Romana, San Quirico e Giulitta ai Fori Imperiali, San Bartolomeo all’Isola Tiberina, S.Lucia al Gonfalone, Chiesa degli Spagnoli ai Banchi Vecchi, San Clemente, Sant’Eugenio alle Belle Arti, San Paolo entro le mura). In 2012 he founded the Orchestra and Choir of Convitto Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele II in Rome.

      In 2013, within the Narnia Festival, he conducts at the prestigious Orvieto Cathedral and San Domenico Auditorium in Narni, Italy. Both concerts were recorded by RAI 1 and presented by famous actress Barbara De Rossi.

      In January 2014 he debuts with Orchestra Filarmonica di Roma at the Auditorium Seraphicum in Rome and Teatro Magnani in Fidenza (Parma) with two sold out concerts.

      On the basis of his merits, the President of the Republic of Italy, C.A.Ciampi, awarded him the title of “Cavaliere della Repubblica”.

      More information on


    • Marco Werba Italy

      • Film score composer, pianist, conductor

      Marco Werba


      (Marc Adam Werblowsky)

      Born in Madrid (Spain) in 1963, Marco Werba has lived in Rome, Italy, since 1966. He is a versatile composer and has an extensive background in the music field, earning a Degree in Composition and Choral conducting. He also studied at the Mannes College of Music in New York attending workshops in composition, orchestration and Film music. In addition, he studied conducting at the Academie de Guerande in France.

      He was a member of the jury of the International Film Festivals in Messina and Catania, created the film music workshop “Music for Images” and the international film music competition, “Mario Nascimbene Award”.

      His first musical score in 1989, for Cristina Comencini’s film Zoo, won the prestigious Italian “Colonna Sonora” Award, when Ennio Morricone and Francis Lai, received “Colonna Sonora – Lifetime Achievement Awards”.

      Marco Werba has gone on to score a range of Historical dramas including Anita – Una Vita per Garibaldi, in collaboration with Academy-Award winning composer Francis Lai, Amore e Libertà, Masaniello (Love of Freedom) and “Goffredo e l’Italia chiamò”, both films directed by Angelo Antonucci.

      He wrote the soundtrack of Giallo, the pulp thriller by cult Italian director Dario Argento, starring Adrien Brody and Emmanuelle Seigner. This score won the “Fantasy & Horror Award”, the “Fantafestival Award 2010” and the “Fantasy Horror Cine Festival Award 2011”.

      He is noted for his work as a film composer but has also written a number of classical concert pieces including Adagio for the victims of Auschwitz, Dark Symphony, Symphonic Tango and a Piano concert, in three movements.

      In 2011 Marco Werba received the “Globo d’Oro” Award (“Golden Globes” of the Foreign Press Association in Italy) for the music of the thriller Native, directed by John Real.

      In 2023 he won the “Colosseo d’Oro Award” and the “Eurocomunicazione Award” for the film score of Ridha Behi’s feature drama, “L’Ile du Pardon”.



      2021 Daemon Mind – Regia di Jason Fité  

      2020 Il Delitto Mattarella – Regia di Aurelio Grimaldi

      2020 Il Gatto e la Luna – Regia di Roberto Lippolis

      2020 A Kidnap – Regia di Lee Greenhough

      2019 Pop Black Posta – Regia di Marco Pollini

       2019 L’estate senza ritorno – Regia di Besnik Bisha

      2018 Seguimi – Regia di Claudio Sestieri

      2018 Gelone, la spada e la gloria – Regia di Gianni Virgadaula

      2018 Dead on Time – Regia di Rick Mustaine

      2018 Controtempo– Regia di Aurelio Grimaldi

      2017 The Mystery of Britannic (TV Movie) – Regia di Evgeny Tomashov

      2017 Made in China Napoletano – Regia di Simone Schettino

      2018 Ballando il silenzio – Regia di Salvatore Arimatea

      2017 Calibro 10 – Decalogo Criminale – Regia di Massimo Ivan Falsetta

      2016 Farida – Regia di Mohamed Zouaoui

      2016 Fratelli di Sangue – Regia di Pietro Tamaro

      2016 Apocalypse’s Angel – Regia di Franco Nero

      2015 La Figlia del Tempo – Regia di Giovanni Visentin

      2015 Roma, la cucina svelata – Regia di Vittorio Antonacci

      2015 Smoke – Regia di Ashley Avis

      2015 Lacrime di San Lorenzo – Regia di Giampiero Caira

      2015 I Fiori Del Male – Regia di Claver Salizzato

      2014 Pro Wrestlers vs Zombies – Regia di Cody Knotts

      2014 Jack Attack – Regia di Bryan Norton e Antonio Padovan

      2014 Solitudini Pericolose – Regia di Emanuele Pecoraro

      2014 Seven Hells – Regia di Bryan Norton

      2014 Per Vendetta – Regia di Alessandro Grassi

      2014 Una Storia Barbara – Regia di Daniele Massa

      2013 Misdirection – Regia di Antonio Padovan

      2013 O sangue è quente da Bahia – Regia di Aurelio Grimaldi

      2013 Nero infinito – Regia di Giorgio Bruno

      2013 La Domenica del Signore – Regia di Gianni Virgadaula

      2012 The Inflicted – Regia di Matthan Harris

      2012 Il Pitigliani, la voce dei bambini – Regia di Alice Werblowsky

      2011 Native – Regia di John Real (Globo d’Oro per la colonna sonora)

      2011 Tape Boy – Regia di Maurizio Faila

      2011 Il profumo del cuore d’oro – Regia di Vincenzo Bocciarelli

      2010 La verità, signora mia – Regia di Renato Mariani

      2010 Braincell – Regia di Alexander Birrell

      2010 Mr. Hush – Regia di David Lee Madison

      2009 Secretum Secretorum – The Celestinian Code – Regia di Germano Di Mattia

      2009 Giallo – Regia di Dario Argento

      2009 Beast – Regia di Timo Rose

      2009 Secretum Secretorum – Regia di Germano Di Mattia

      2008 Il bel marito – Regia di Clarita Di Giovanni

      2008 Colour from the Dark – Regia di Ivan Zuccon

      2008 Fearmakers – Regia di Timo Rose

      2008 Darkness Surrounds Roberta – Regia di Giovanni Pianigiani

      2008 Focolare Domestico – Regia di Maurizio Faila

      2007 Il Proiezionista – Regia di Roberto Loiacono

      2007 Anita – Una vita per Garibaldi – Regia di Aurelio Grimaldi

      2007 Ahmed – Regia di Rick Lancaster

      2006 Amore e libertà – Masaniello – Regia di Angelo Antonucci

      2005 Calos cai Agatos – Regia di Ugo Frosi

      2004 Il Diario di un prete – Regia di Marco Cercaci

      2001 Il conte di Melissa – Regia di Maurizio Anania

      1996 Specchi – Regia di Virginia Barrett

      1995 A Dio piacendo – Regia di Filippo Altadonna

      1995 La caccia, il cacciatore, la preda – Regia di Andrea Marzari

      1994 L’Abbordaggio – Regia di Maurizio Imbriale

      1993 Salvataggio – Regia di Alberto Cavallone

      1991 Il museo degli orrori – Regia di Lucilla Franchetti

      1989 Cela s’appelle l’amour – Regia di Marccel Hanoun

      1988 Zoo – Regia di Cristina Comencini



      Colonna Sonora Award” per “Zoo” di Cristina Comencini

      Fantafestival Award” per “Giallo” di Dario Argento

      Fantasy Horror Award” per “Giallo” di Dario Argento

      Fantasy Horror Cine Festival Award” per “Giallo” di Dario Argento

      Globo d’Oro” per “Native” di John Real

      Cinema Click Award” per “Native” di John Real

      Umbrialand Festival Award” per “Seguimi” di Claudio Sestieri

      Premio Euromediterraneo” (Premio alla carriera)

      Eccellenza del Cuore Award” (Premio alla carriera)

      Colosseo d’Oro Award” (Premio alla carriera)

      Asylum Award” (Premio alla carriera)

      Premio Vincenzo Crocitti International” (Premio alla carriera)




The international jury composed by Cristiana Pegoraro, Marco Werba, Lorenzo Porzio, Khullip Jeung, Isabelle Durin, after examining over 50 compositions received, decreed the following winners, assigning all the prizes and awards unanimously

First Prize
LUCA TIBERINI “Us – Romance for violin and piano”

Second Prize
LUCA POLETTI “Tendimi la mano”

Third Prize Ex-Aequo
MASSIMO CARPEGNA “Dialogo d’Amore”
ANDREA MONTALBANO “Memories of Love”

Special mention
LUDOVICO MAMMOLA “Nell’Oceano del Tempo”